Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Transgression Man

There are no super sinners. Murderers, soccer moms, sex offenders, and little old ladies are all filled with the same basic stuff. There is no one who could never do that. All of humanity is equally inclined to stray from the truth of God and seek self-gratification.

Local news broadcasts are nightly exercises in self-aggrandizement. Our response of shock and horror to the news of local crimes is a salve on the festering wound of our own brokenness. By 7 p.m. we are comforted and ready to laugh along to our favorite situation comedy, knowing that at least we are not like that person we heard about on the news. We are the parabolic Pharisee in the temple praying, “God, I thank you that I am not like other men.” Luke 18:9-14

We successfully project our own feelings of guilt and responsibility upon the incarcerated and marginalized of society. It’s as if criminals are endowed with an extra measure of sinning ability in which on our very worst day we would never be capable of participating. The truth of scripture compels us to always proclaim, “I am no better.” “There is none who does good.” Psalm 14:1

“But I just can’t understand how someone could do that.” Really? “You have no excuse, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things.” Romans 2:1 There is one who could claim that the heinous acts of men are beyond his comprehension, but Jesus never said to Peter, “I just don’t get you.”

-Who is always there when there is no one else around on which to project your own feelings of guilt?
-Who is always available to be judged so that you can feel better about yourself?
-Who do you call when the failures of others remind you of your own?

Transgression Man, arriving at a moments notice with the super power of sin! Simply speak the words, “I could never do that,” and Transgression Man appears to absorb all personal feelings of guilt and responsibility.

Are you faced with the ugliness of murder, sex offence, domestic violence, and the like? Just call on Transgression Man, and he will assist you in feeling superior to anyone who is guilty of anything you find personally repulsing. With the help of Transgression Man, you can successfully divide all humans into two categories: good people (like yourself) and bad people (people you will never be like).

-Don’t ever let self-reflection and introspection get the best of you. Call on Transgression Man!
-Don’t travel down the path of compassion and empathy. Call on Transgression Man!
-Never feel any responsibility toward anyone but yourself. Call on Transgression Man!


  1. Transgression Man probably needs a side-kick.

    Maybe someone to whom Transgression Man blames his guilt upon. This could possibly be a goat. It could be SG Kid (for Scape-goat Kid). A little goat with a cape. Each time that Transgression Man eventually has to send SG Kid away out of each city.

    I like that you edified our scape goat even lifting it up to a superhero status. Nice.

  2. Side-kicks are a must for a superhero.

    And theme songs.

    AND AND AND arch nemesisessssssssssss.



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